Welcome to 2022! Life update...

 Hi Everyone!

I've really been scarce, Since the start of the pandemic life has been a mess.

2019 was a highlight of a year for me. After suffering from a devastating miscarriage. Post IUD/ Copper T removal,I immediately fell pregnant. It was a twin pregnancy- one fetal pole with no HB and the other one didn't make it past the yolk sac at that point. This was also only seen the day of my D&C. I will forever be grateful for my gynecologist, who isn't known for his bedside manner, but I've never felt more "safe" under his expert hand during my operation. I fell pregnant a few months later. After a very difficult, high risk pregnancy we welcomed our rainbow girl into the world, and it's been hectic from then. 

2020 we were still in lockdown when we were informed we will be closing our doors, a few of us got a job at the other branch and we went on there for a year. After a year- we went to work end of June 2021 and we were told sorry- we're closing. It was a wet, storming Cape Town day, We were earning the same salaries as in 2018 due to tough business and I never thought we'd be in this position. My husband lost his job as well- as we were working at the same business and branch. The icing on the cake- they gave staff voluntary packages a month before and promised us our jobs are safe. Hubby had declined a few job offers from people offering him a job- due to loyalty. My heart was yearning to be a SAHM! The new branch I was forced into a lower position and I've literally never been more unhappy in my life.

We were told to get our belongings and leave- they will sort out the paperwork. No leave money of days due paid, no package, my husband got half his salary- yet the law is still on their side and they're living the life while some people are still without a job. Smart moving of funds has them driving brand new cars while being unemployed/ not having money/ having multiple properties/ trust funds on your name. But that's life. Karma is a bitch.

Anyhow- I've been at home since July. My husband found a great job. We see each other less but he's earning enough for me to stay at home for the time being and not worry about job hunting. The lockdown period was such a blessing to me because I got to see a lot of firsts I didn't get to see with my son. I also get to spend time with him which I love. He hasn't been to normal school (every day) since grade 3! 2 years of going to school on alternate days! They went to full capacity for one term and the WCED shut it down again. Thank goodness the PTA could approve a initiative to buy every child their own desk- the 2022 school year will be a full one. Never in his life didn't my child want top go to school- just when the pandemic started. They could not even play! So this year will hopefully be better than the last 2.

I've been very lucky and have won a few competitions in the last few months. I find a lack of reviews when I'm researching stuff- so I will be writing reviews/ thoughts on products that I've tried and used these past few months. Some personal care, some toddler, some tween. I've taken the pictures but haven't gotten time to write because the toddler never sleeps (she dropped her nap since I'm at home because she doesn't get woken up to go to Ouma and Oupa anymore). Today is one of those days when she woke up when Daddy went to work so she's out for the count.

I'll also be writing a short, easy to understand, basic guide to claiming UIF online as well on how to start the insurance claims for loss on income for various creditors and who's process has been the easiest.

PS: Excuse any spelling mistakes, I'm pressed for time before madam wakes up.

Till then.

Enjoy life and make the most of 2022!
