I'm back... With some changes in life and the blog


Life got in the way and I neglected posting for some time.

After going through miscarriage, successful pregnancy, mom of 2, LOADS of product choices I've decided to write up some posts. I'll start from the start and work my way down...

I'll cover miscarriage (missed miscarriage specifically) after paragard/ copper T, IUD removal and having a D&C.

TTC aka trying to conceive and vitamins that might help (think staminogro,  fertipil for women, folic acid, prenatals;

Pregnancy after miscarriage aka PAL (pregnancy after loss) and the anxiety that followed me for 38 weeks, as well as vitamins and products I used during pregnancy;

Becoming a mom of 2, having a baby in NICU, and not being able to breastfeed as well as products that made life easier;

Then we're at the present and I'll post reviews/ product views on what I'm using now, products I bought and swear by (some I used 8 years ago with my son) and products that's unfortunately changed and not as good as it was years ago (think pampers and huggies).

Till then...
